Call for Abstract

33rd International Diabetes and Healthcare Conference, will be organized around the theme “Acquainting New Insights of Diabetes & Healthcare”

Diabetes 2024 is comprised of 15 tracks and 3 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Diabetes 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Diabetes type 1: This condition is typically brought on by an autoimmune reaction in which the body's defence mechanism targets the cells that make insulin. This is due in large part to an unidentified primary cause. Insulin production is extremely low in people with type 1 diabetes. This type of diabetes necessitates daily insulin injections to maintain blood glucose levels under control.

At least 90% of instances of diabetes are type 2 (also known as adult-onset non-insulin type diabetes). Relative insulin resistance and insulin insufficiency, which may already be present by the time diabetes is diagnosed, are its defining characteristics. This form of diabetes can initially be controlled by diet and exercise for the patient.

  • Body's defence mechanism
  • Insulin insufficiency
  • Type 1 diabetes


  • Track 1-1Body defence mechanism
  • Track 1-2Insulin insufficiency
  • Track 1-3Type 1 diabetes

The balance of carbohydrate metabolism is the major objective of controlling diabetes and its consequences. Patients with insulin resistance are treated with appropriate exercise and food, while those with insulin shortage are treated with insulin pumps or injections. It is necessary to manage or avoid the additional disease-related consequence. The best method to live a healthy life is to maintain a nutritious diet.

  • Insulin pumps or injections
  • Nutritious diet
  • Carbohydrate metabolism


  • Track 2-1Insulin pumps or injections
  • Track 2-2Nutritious diet
  • Track 2-3Carbohydrate metabolism

Diabetes can have an impact on the skin in addition to other body components. This can sometimes help identify diabetics early. The majority of skin diseases are simply treatable. Only those with diabetes are more likely to experience other skin issues such necrobiosis lipoidica, diabetic dermopathy, diabeticorum, eruptive xanthomatosis, and diabetic blisters.

  • Diabetes 
  • Skin diseases
  • Eruptive xanthomatosis


  • Track 3-1Diabetes
  • Track 3-2Skin diseases
  • Track 3-3Eruptive xanthomatosis

Blood vessels in the retina's tissue are harmed in diabetic retinopathy. One of the risk factors is poor blood sugar regulation. Blood vessels may enlarge, leak fluid, and aberrant blood vessel growth is seen on the retina's surface. Scar tissue that is present may shrink and separate from the retina. Early signs include blurring, floaters, black spots in the field of vision, and trouble seeing colours. Although diabetic retinopathy cannot be cured, it can be managed with laser treatments and a surgical procedure called a vitrectomy to remove the vitreous gel.

  • Retina's tissue
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Vitrectomy 


  • Track 4-1Retina tissue
  • Track 4-2Diabetic retinopathy
  • Track 4-3Vitrectomy

Diabetes causes a disease or damage to your kidneys called diabetic nephropathy, which in extreme cases can result in kidney failure. Our kidneys' minuscule blood channels filter waste items from our blood, which can be destroyed by high blood sugar levels. Weight gain and ankle oedema result from the body retaining too much salt and fluids. Later on, this results in renal disease or failure. Regular urine tests are required to check for kidney impairment because there are no symptoms in the early stages.


  • Track 5-1Human kidney
  • Track 5-2Blood sugar levels
  • Track 5-3Kidney impairment

A gene, molecule, or innate characteristic that aids in diagnosing disease is known as a molecular biomarker. HbA1c is regarded as a biomarker for diabetes that can be used to detect retinopathy, vascular disease, and nephropathy risk factors. These serve as prophylactic actions while the condition is subclinical. A quicker and more thorough understanding of the pathological process of diabetes can be achieved with the right use of the biomarker in the development of anti-diabetic medications.

  • Molecular biomarker
  • Retinopathy
  • Nephropathy risk factors


  • Track 6-1Molecular biomarker
  • Track 6-2Retinopathy
  • Track 6-3Nephropathy risk factors

In order to lower the risk of diabetes complications, diabetic individuals must maintain a proper diet. The key is appropriate exercise and healthy eating practises. In general, a low-carb diet is necessary since whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts are macronutrients that raise blood sugar. Low-fat foods are the best source, and a diet high in fibre is favoured. The My Plate method, glycaemic index, carb tracking, and TLC diet are a few techniques for a healthy diet.


  • Track 7-1Diabetes complications
  • Track 7-2Low-carb diet
  • Track 7-3Glycaemic index

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is situated near the base of the Adam's apple neck. It is a component of the endocrine system, which controls a variety of bodily functions. The thyroid glands create androgen prohormones that control the metabolism of the body. Hypothyroidism results from the thyroid producing less hormone, and hyperthyroidism results from the thyroid producing too much hormone. More women than males experience thyroid disorders.


  • Track 8-1Endocrine system
  • Track 8-2Thyroid gland
  • Track 8-3Hyperthyroidism

The initial analysis of gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. Similar to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes results in noticeably elevated glucose levels. When you eat, the majority of the food is broken down into a sugar called glucose by your stomach-related system. It is the cause of the mother's blood sugar (glucose level) rising excessively high during pregnancy. When your body is unable to produce enough of the hormone insulin while you are pregnant, gestational diabetes develops.

  • Gestational diabetes
  • Glucose level
  • Insulin 


  • Track 9-1Gestational diabetes
  • Track 9-2Glucose level
  • Track 9-3Insulin

The treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus may greatly benefit from the use of undifferentiated or undeveloped cells. The developmental stages and transcription factors involved in this process have been defined by research on the capacity of human embryonic undifferentiated cells to segregate into islet cells. In any event, ethical considerations as well as the possibility for teratoma formation limit the clinical applications of human embryonic stem cells.

  • Umbilical cord stem cells
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Bone marrow


  • Track 10-1Umbilical cord stem cells
  • Track 10-2Diabetes type 2
  • Track 10-3Bone marrow

The fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test is a blood test that examines blood glucose levels in just a few seconds. For the best reliable results, do this test first thing in the morning after fasting for at least 8 hours. The A1C test is used to determine the average blood glucose levels during the past three months. Food and water can be consumed before the A1C test, and other factors like as age, anaemia, or any other blood problem will be taken into account when the A1C test is used to diagnose diabetes. The results of an A1C test are expressed as a percentage, such as A1C of 7%. The following approaches are used to diagnose diabetes.

  • Losing weight
  • Eating well
  • Exercising regularly


  • Track 11-1Losing weight
  • Track 11-2Eating well
  • Track 11-3Exercising regularly

The connection between diabetes and heart disease starts with high blood sugar levels, the high glucose in the blood can damage the arteries, which causes them to become stiff and hard. Atherosclerosis is a condition which occurs when blood vessels are filled with fatty material. This might eventually block the blood flow to heart or brain, which causes the heart attack or heart stroke.

High blood glucose from diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves which control heart and blood vessels. The factors affecting the chances of developing heart disease or heart stroke are

  • Smoking
  • Abnormal cholesterol  levels
  • Obesity and belly fat


  • Track 12-1Smoking
  • Track 12-2Abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Track 12-3Obesity and belly fat

The global diabetic drugs market is divided on the basis of drug type, application and geography. The drug types advised such as Injectable Drugs and Oral Drugs.  Injectable drugs are the drugs which are injected directly into the body such as Insulin, Exenatide, Liragultide, Pramlintide. The Oral medications work by different mechanisms like producing more insulin and decreasing the insulin resistance of the body and by reducing gluconeogenesis of the liver.  The oral medications available in the drug market such as

  • Thiazolidinediones
  • DPP-4 Inhibitors
  • Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors


  • Track 13-1Thiazolidinedione
  • Track 13-2DPP-4 Inhibitors
  • Track 13-3Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors

Herbal therapies have led to improved glucose control in many people with diabetes, using the more natural ingredients can lead to manage the blood sugar level. Plant based therapies like

  • Ginger
  • Okra
  • Bitter melon


  • Track 14-1Ginger
  • Track 14-2Okra
  • Track 14-3Bitter melon

The therapeutics of type 1 diabetes includes stimulation of insulin secretion through GLP analogues like insulin injections to compensate for beta cell defects, DPP-4 inhibition by Sitagliptin, and increased islet survival and islet cell regeneration. The therapeutics of type 2 includes several conventional therapies like sulfonylureas, Repaglinide enhance insulin secretion and Troglitazone. By keeping the blood sugar level as close to normal as possible can delay or prevent diabetes.  Treatment for diabetes includes.

These are commonly used in ayurvedic medicine and oriental medicine for treating diabetes. Certain herbs, vitamins, and supplements may relate with diabetes medications including insulin and increase the hypoglycemic effects. Herbs and plant sources listed below have been employed traditionally in the treatment of diabetes.

  • Ficus Carica Ginseng
  • Berberine
  • Cinnamomym Tamala


  • Track 15-1Ficus Carica Ginseng
  • Track 15-2Berberine
  • Track 15-3Cinnamomym Tamala